Bina İdarəetmə Mərkəzi
Azerbaijan Bakı, Binəqədi r., F.Məlikov 7 Mkr, Ev.60.30, M.35
Activity start date:

It is a universal company that provides technical, utility, financial, economic and legal advice to clients, providing building-complex management services of a completely new quality to individuals and legal entities, including area owners, apartment owners and tenants. 
our goal is to manage multi-apartment buildings and complexes in our country, to provide convenient and safe living conditions for the owners of the land, to properly maintain the common property of multi-apartment buildings and complexes, and to ensure the efficient use of that property.
If you want to benefit from professional and transparent management, contact us, let us be your guest and we will determine the right tariff for your building on the spot and organize systematic management in your building.

Azerbaijan Bakı, Binəqədi r., F.Məlikov 7 Mkr, Ev.60.30, M.35
Activity start date: