Epoint Metaverse Hackathon


International Hackathon "Epoint Ecommerce Solution for Metaverse and 3D Games" among the creators of metaverse games and 3D games was founded in 2023 by Epoint - Ecommerce Platform.

The theme of the competitive work of Hackathon "Epoint Ecommerce Solution for Metaverse and 3D Games" for 2023 is the development of ecommerce solutions applicable in metaverse and 3D games.

Any specialist (s) who is engaged in the creation of metaverses or game development, and ready to create a useful solution to participate in the competition can take part in Hackathon.

The competition is supposed to be only 1 prize, the winner as a remuneration will become our main provider of digital services in the field of Ecommerce solutions for metaverses and games. The choice of winners is carried out by jury members in accordance with the quality standards of the presented decisions.

Goals of the hackathon:

- Find a solution to the stated problem and contribute to its implementation;

- selection of the most talented specialists and assistance in finalizing / publishing the most powerful projects;

- encouraging the creation of innovative game development solutions, strengthening the prestige of intellectual activity;

-development of creativity among e-commerce industry representatives, stimulation of professional growth;

- stimulating innovation and finding solutions to the current challenges of the e-commerce market;

- to contribute to the progress of the e-commerce industry with the help of the submitted solutions of the participants;

Stages of the competition

The Epoint Ecommerce Solution for Metaverse and 3D Games Hackathon consists of two stages:

Online selection of contestants, which will take place from March 14 to March 17, 2023 on the website link. The competition is held remotely in online mode.

Any specialist (s) who is engaged in game development professionally or as an amateur and who is ready to create a game solution for participation in the competition can take part in the hackathon.

On the results of the first stage, we will report to the mailbox of the contestants who passed the selection on March 18th.

The selection of participants in the competition consisted of the following procedures:

      submission of an application on competition website link

      consideration of the application by the organizing committee

      verification of the project for compliance with the subject and issues of the competition, selection of participants.

The best contestants are sent a special invitation to participate in the competition itself, which is held from March 18 to 19 also online.

The second stage - the competition itself will be held from March 20 to 21 on the Epoint website. The competition is held remotely in online mode.

Participation in the competition is from 10 to 25 teams that have been selected in the competition.

The results of the competition will be announced and published on the Epoint website from March 22.

The winner will be rewarded as Epoint's main provider of digital services in the area of Ecommerce solutions for Metaverses and games. The selection of winners is carried out by the jury members in accordance with the quality standards of the submitted solutions.

Participation in this competition is free.

Participants of the international competition of developers talents "Epoint Ecommerce Solution for Metaverse and 3D Games" are specialists in the IT industry who want to show their abilities in the Ecommerce Solution for Metaverse nomination.

The competition provides for both single and team participation.

The participants of the competition are users who had registered and fulfilled the conditions of the competition from March 14 to March 17 on the website link, and were selected.

The selection of participants in the competition consisted of the following procedures: submission of an application, consideration of the application by the organizing committee, verification of the project for compliance with the subject and issues of the competition, selection of participants.

In the International Competition in the Ecommerce Solution for Metaverse  nomination, from 10 to 25 teams can compete at the discretion of the organizing committee. Teams that have passed the preliminary selection after registration on the website link are allowed to participate in the competition.

If for some reason the selected team cannot participate in the International Competition, the right to participate is transferred to the next team, which is selected by the representatives of the organizing committee during pre-registration and submission of applications for participation in the competition.

The competition is supposed to be 1 prize, the winner (-s) which is received as a reward will become our main provider of digital services in the field of Ecommerce solutions for metaverses and games. The selection of winners is carried out by the jury members in accordance with the quality standards of the submitted solutions.

The organizing committee, after selecting the teams and admitting them to the competition, guarantees the high quality of the submitted projects and the high level of the contestants. If, for some reason, one of the admitted teams (participants) represents a weak project, the team (participant) can be replaced by another team (participant) that participated in the competitive selection.

Jury (Judges)

The jury team consists of professionals in the field of payment solutions and game development:

Zeynal Karimzada - CEO & Founder of Epoint Inc.

Hasan Hasanov - CBDO of Epoint Inc.

Nazrin Novruzzade - CPO of Epoint Inc.